Lugar: Virtual
Fecha: 01/06/2023
Hora: 6:00 pm
The DISCA Millennium Nucleus held its second online seminar, this time addressing the issue of reproduction and motherhood in women with intellectual disabilities, their barriers and challenges.
It counted with the participation of Melissa Hichins, president of the community organization Red de Protección en Derechos e Inclusión Social (Reprodis), who addressed “Experiences of maternity support for women with intellectual disabilities: Challenges and resistance from the south” and Andrea Yupanqui, associate professor at the Universidad de Magallanes, with the topic “Forced sterilizations and other gynecological-obstetric violence: The case of women with intellectual disabilities”.
Also present was Irinia Quilodrán, a mother with intellectual disabilities, who commented on her experience living motherhood. The activity was moderated by Florencia Herrera, director of the Millennium Nucleus DISCA.
The seminar was held on Thursday, June 1, 2023, at 6:00 pm, through Zoom and is available on the YouTube channel of the Nucleus, at
The video has a sign language interpreter and instant subtitling.