Disability and citizenship

Online seminar: “Disability and daily mobility”.

Lugar: Zoom

Fecha: 31/08/2023

Hora: 6:00 pm

Link: https://forms.gle/Uzkuov36GxJcD5Gs6

Descripción de Imagen: Afiche con los logos institucionales de Disca y de #CentrosAnid e iniciativa Milenio, sobre los títulos se lee: “Discapacidad y movilidad cotidiana”, “Ciclo de Seminarios en Línea”, además de los rostros de los tres expositores junto a sus nombres y cargos. Al centro un recuadro con las indicaciones del evento: Jueves 31 de agosto, 19:00 hrs.

  • The seminar will address the ways in which disability is understood by our transportation and planning systems.
  • Three researchers will examine the adaptations and efforts that people with disabilities make on a daily basis to move around urban and rural areas, as well as the injustices that persist in national mobility infrastructures and policies.

In response to the question “What costs do people with disabilities assume when moving around the territory?”, the DISCA Millennium Nucleus has invited three researchers to investigate experiences, organizations, policies and research on the daily mobility of people with disabilities.

We will be joined by Mariela Gaete Reyes, an academic from the Housing Institute of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile. She is dedicated to research on accessibility and disability and to teaching in the Architecture program, in the Master in Residential Habitat and in the Doctorate in Territory, Space and Society, a program in which she is part of the academic committee.

The sociologist Diego Solsona, Master in Social Research and Development from the Universidad de Concepción and Doctor of Social Sciences in Territorial Studies from the Universidad de los Lagos, will also present. He works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Anillos project “Territorial Inequalities”. He is also a collaborating professor in the anthropology program at the Universidad de Los Lagos. His main lines of research are: spatial mobilities, citizen participation and social imaginaries in people with disabilities.

In addition, DISCA researcher Daniel Muñoz, PhD in Human Geography (University of Edinburgh), Master in Urban Development (PUC) will present his work. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the Housing Institute of the University of Chile. His research focuses on everyday mobility practices of people with disabilities, with attention to care and interdependence. Methodologically, Daniel specializes in ethnography and ethnomethodological video analysis.

If you would like to attend, register at this link.