PEDRO JUAN JUAN YAÑEZ PALACIOS (29 years old) ⚡️ Neltume, 1981 ⚡️ Electrician assistant with physical disability. Executed political militant of the MIR.
Pedro, whose political name was “Jorge”, was born into a modest family in Constitución and studied at the Industrial School of the city. His first entry into politics was as an assistant in propaganda actions for the Government of #SalvadorAllende, in the midst of a time of great turmoil in the Cellulose Industry. He was part of the #FER (Revolutionary Students Front) in the midst of the coup d’état, which led him to be imprisoned, released and imprisoned again in a short period of time. He was imprisoned for two years in the Cauquenes prison and finally exiled. That was how he arrived in France, where he became part of the MIR and the #OperaciónRetorno, which sought to build in the mountains of Neltume (X region), a new center of operations to resist the dictatorship. After attending the Cuban School of Instruction, he clandestinely entered Chile in 1980, arriving to the mountain range area to be part of the guerrilla detachment #ToquiLautaro.
Farmers in the area reportedly denounced the existence of the camp to the military forces, which surrounded the group of militants, forcing them to hide in the heights, a situation that resulted in serious wounds and infections in one of Pedro’s feet. The situation worsened, so his comrades had to amputate his foot to contain the gangrene. Without a foot, he had to flee from the intelligence agents, hiding in a natural emergency shelter, accompanied by a rifle and in diminished physical conditions. Pedro’s hiding place -located in the area of Puente #Quilmio- was tracked and surrounded by the #CNI, who killed him with a machine gun.