We will address how persons with disability construct and negotiates citizenship in the fields of: a) political participation, b) the exercise of sexuality and reproduction, and c) access to healthcare in Chile A fourth line will focus on the challenges of using inclusive and participatory methodologies in disability research.
Specific objectives:
a) Analyze legislation and public policies on the political participation of persons with disability
b) Identify the barriers to participation faced by persons with disability as voters and political authorities
c) Analyze the adaptation and resistance strategies developed by persons with disability for political participation
d) Draw up recommendations to improve the participation of persons with disability in politics
Specific objectives:
a) Analyze legislation and public policies related to the sexual and reproductive rights of persons with disability.
b) Identify the barriers faced by persons with disability as regards sexuality and reproduction
c) Analyze the adaptation and resistance strategies developed by persons with disability in the exercise of sexuality and reproduction
d) Draw up recommendations to improve the access of persons with disability to sexuality and reproduction
Specific objectives:
a) Analyze legislation and public policies related to the access of persons with disability to health care
b) Identify the barriers in access to health care by persons with disability
c) Analyze the adaptation and resistance strategies of persons with disability in their encounters with health institutions
d) Draw up recommendations to improve the experiences of persons with disability in their encounters with health institutions
Specific objectives:
a) Review methodologies developed in inclusive and participatory disability research and evaluate their viability in the Chilean context
b) Analyze the ethical implications of research with persons with disability
c) Adapt and/or design instruments and specific techniques for inclusive and participatory disability research
d) Develop practical recommendations on how to conduct disability research in Latin America