LUIS ENRIQUE PÉREZ BALBONTÍN (22 years old) ⚡La Pintana, 1973⚡ Newspaper salesman with physical disability. No militancy.
On October 15, 1973, Luis was attending to his newspaper kiosk in the Pablo de Rokha neighborhood of La Pintana, when he was detained by carabineros from the San Rafael police station, while they were looking for information to arrest people on a list. When he was taken to the police station, it was found that he had total muscular atrophy in both legs, as well as the use of orthopedic shoes and crutches to move around. The following day, his body was abandoned in a plot of land in Nos, with gunshot wounds to the skull and abdomen. His death occurred while he was deprived of his liberty.
#Disability #Dictatorship #StateCoup #LaPintana #LuisEnriquePerezBalbontin #PoliticalExecuted.