Disability and citizenship


Danae Rodríguez

Danae is an occupational therapist from the University of Chile and a master’s degree in Public Health from Lund University, Sweden. Currently, he is a PhD student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom.

His areas of interest are global health, disability, epidemiology, health policies and systems. Using mixed methodologies, she investigates access to health for people with disabilities in Latin America and the inclusion of disability and human rights in Chile’s health policies and system.

Danae is a member of The Missing Billion, a global initiative that seeks to improve access to health for people with disabilities around the world. In addition, he worked as a research assistant at the School of Public Health of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, for the population cohort of chronic diseases of Maule (MAUCO) and at the Center for Aging and Supportive Environments Lund University, analyzing the use of health and social services and assistive technologies between people with dementia and their carers in Europe.