Disability and citizenship

Young researchers

Diego Solsona

Diego is a sociologist and holds a master’s degree in social research and development from the Universidad de Concepción. He recently obtained a PhD in Social Sciences in Territorial Studies from the Universidad de los Lagos.

Currently, he works as a postdoctoral researcher for the ANILLOS-ANID project “Territorial Inequalities”, executed by the Universidad de Los Lagos and Universidad Austral de Chile. In addition, he is a collaborating professor in the anthropology program at the Universidad de Los Lagos.

Since 2022 he is co-founder and coordinator of the working group “Imaginaries and representations of disability” of the Iberoamerican Network for Research on Imaginaries and Social Representations (RIIR).

Diego has several publications and conference presentations on topics such as spatial mobilities, citizen participation and social imaginaries in people with disabilities,.