Pía is Inti’s mother, a midwife from Universidad Mayor, Master in Sexual and Reproductive Health from Universidad de Concepción, Master in Health Care and Collaborative Practices and Doctor in Nursing and Health from Universidad de Barcelona.
She collaborates as a researcher at the Centre d’Estudis: Dona, Salut i Ètica of the University of Barcelona and at the Laboratório de Estudos Sociais sobre o Nascimento of the Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia of the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Nascer.pt). She is also a member of the editorial team of the Scientific Journal Musas-Women, Health and Society of the University of Barcelona.
Currently, Pía is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Health Sciences of the University of O’Higgins. Her lines of research address sexual and reproductive rights, gender and health studies, critical disability studies, maternity and childbearing studies, qualitative health research and situated feminist studies.