Disability and citizenship

Author Archives: Andrea Medina

  1. Conversation with Activists: Agendas and struggles of disability in Chile

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    The Millennium Nucleus DISCA developed the first Conversation with Activists, called “Agendas and struggles of disability in Chile”, a space to learn about the experiences of prominent people with disabilities.

    On this occasion, the discussion had as protagonists:

    • Olga Balboa is president of the Communal Association of and for People with Disabilities of Concepción and leader of the Regional Association “Defense of Disability ‘ del Biobío.
    • Jaime Ramirez is president of the National Collective for Disability (Conadis) and part of the Council of Experts by Experience of the Millennium Nucleus DISCA. He is also a professor at the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Alberto Hurtado and facilitator for Chile of Flacso’s working group on critical disability studies.
    • Jimena Luna is founder and executive director of Fundación Vida Independiente Chile. She holds a degree in industrial civil engineering, mention in computer science, from the Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO) and currently works as project coordinator at CEDETI UC and CIAPAT Chile.
    • César Rodríguez is president of the Vitachi Foundation, national advisor of Senadis and treasurer of the National Federation of Organizations of and for Disability (Fedich). He is also a prominent disability activist, nominated four times for the National Human Rights Award given by the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) and was general coordinator of the 2019 International Day of Persons with Disabilities march.

    The discussion was moderated by Juan Pino, principal investigator of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus and academic at the Universidad de O’Higgins.

    The activity was held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., through Zoom and is available at https://youtu.be/FvCll9XZgic.

    A sign language interpreter and simultaneous subtitling are available.

  2. DISCA Millenium Nucleus visits Punta Arenas

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    The director of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus, Florencia Herrera, and the general coordinator of DISCA, Andrea Rojas, traveled to Punta Arenas to carry out a series of activities around the line of Sexuality and Reproduction of people with disabilities.

    Both shared with members of the Network of Protection of Rights and Social Inclusion, Reprodis, a program aimed specifically at mothers and fathers with disabilities in the region, which emerged in the School of Occupational Therapy at the University of Magallanes, UMAG.

    “It was a very nice, intense and rewarding experience. We went to learn about the work of Reprodis, which has an area of comprehensive sexual education for people with intellectual disabilities and also an area of maternity support for women with intellectual disabilities,” commented Florencia Herrera.

    “Reprodis has followed several cases of mothers with intellectual disabilities and its work is transcendental, because it changes lives. We interviewed women who had had problems, who had had their motherhood prosecuted, the State had intervened to try to take away the custody of their children, and Reprodis had acted in these cases, managing to help them continue raising and living with their children, even independently. On the other hand, we interviewed two mothers whose cases have not been prosecuted, thanks to the support provided by Reprodis”, added the director of DISCA.

    Florencia explains that they accompany women with intellectual disabilities “which is a support for autonomy and independence in motherhood, without doing things for them (…) So, being accompanied by Reprodis staff, it means going with someone who is supporting you and gives you the security that you will not be treated badly or you will have someone to translate the complicated language of health professionals,” she added.

    “I don’t think there is any other program in Chile, nor probably in Latin America, that provides such effective support as Reprodis, which has allowed mothers with disabilities to raise their children autonomously and independently”, concluded Florencia.

    The trip to Punta Arenas was also an opportunity to share with students and academics of the Occupational Therapy career of the Universidad de Magallanes, to present in a class the Fondecyt advances on parental experiences of people with disabilities, Dispar, and DISCA’s line of Sexuality and Reproduction.

  3. DISCA Millennium Nucleus seeks Postdoc

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    In the DISCA Millennium Nucleus we are building our team, so we are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Disability Studies.

    This is a full-time postdoctoral position for one year, which includes 44 hours per week and the possibility of extension to a second year, subject to evaluation.

    Those interested in applying should submit the following documents:

    • Motivation letter (one page)
    • Curriculum vitae
    • Copies of relevant certificates
    • Copies of relevant publications
    • Research proposal
    • Two letters of recommendation

    The deadline for applications is Thursday, April 6, 2023 and should be sent via email to contacto@nucleodisca.cl.

    For more details, please review the Call for Postdoctoral Position 2023 document.

  4. Online Seminar: Getting to know the DISCA Millennium Nucleus

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    First online seminar of this cycle, focused on getting to know in detail our work, lines of research and future activities.

    The participants were:
    – Florencia Herrera, director of DISCA
    – Pablo Marshall, alternate director of DISCA
    – Andrea Rojas, DISCA’s general coordinator.
    – Andrea Medina, DISCA communications coordinator.

    The seminar was held on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., via Zoom and is available on DISCA’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/7qNgBhzE-EU.

    A sign language interpreter and simultaneous subtitling are available.

  5. Tom Shakespeare gives master class at inauguration of DISCA Millennium Nucleus

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    – The British academic was the keynote speaker at the event that kicked off the work of this interdisciplinary research center on disability, funded by ANID.

    Santiago, March 23, 2023 – With an auditorium full of people interested in the inclusion and social participation of people with disabilities, the renowned academic and researcher from the United Kingdom, Tom Shakespeare, gave the master class “Disability and Citizenship” at the inauguration of the interdisciplinary research center Núcleo Milenio DISCA.

    “I think this is the beginning of something really incredible and very great for Chile and this region,” said the academic at the beginning of his speech. “It is fascinating for research in disability -not only in Chile, but all over the world-, that they have funds, that they have a project, that they can meet with all this technical expertise and achieve results. I want to go back and find out what they have discovered.”

    The director of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus, Florencia Herrera Oesterheld, emphasized that this center “was born out of the need for empirical, updated and quality research on disability to inform public policy. We seek to understand how people with disabilities construct and negotiate citizenship in the areas of political participation, the exercise of sexuality and reproduction, and access to health. We know that we are ambitious, because the debt is great and there is much work to be done”.

    For her part, the Head of the Millennium Department and Frontier Science Initiatives of the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), Nicole Ehrenfeld Stolzenbach, said that “DISCA is a very special project for Milenio, because, for the first time, a multidisciplinary team actively involves people with disabilities in generating knowledge in this area. It is a project that, for three years, will seek to delve deeper into a subject that has been little studied so far by academia. The project will allow us to broaden knowledge and advance towards the protection of rights, the improvement of the welfare of people with disabilities and promote their participation in all areas of social, economic and political life of the country”.

    The National Director of Senadis, Daniel Concha Gamboa, added that “from the Service we continue working so that from the State we advance in inclusive public policies with a rights-based approach towards the population with disabilities and their families, in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, ratified by Chile. And for this, it is transcendental to strengthen public-private alliances and with civil society, to continue in tune, listening to the communities, and preparing ourselves and promoting a more inclusive society from our fields of action”.

    Mauricio “Cutto” López, part of the council of experts for experience of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus, also took part in the activity. “We are people who have dedicated ourselves to working for inclusion and full participation in our communities, we will play an active and participatory role in DISCA’s activities and we will bring the needs of our communities to the center of the discussion, as should always happen in the processes that concern and involve us,” he said.

    Tom Shakespeare’s master class was part of the inauguration of the Disability and Citizenship Millennium Nucleus (DISCA), an interdisciplinary research center funded by ANID, focused on the study of the processes and mechanisms through which people with disabilities become citizens.

    The DISCA Millennium Nucleus promotes research for and with people with disabilities and is directed by a researcher with a disability, has a board of experienced experts and several other members of the scientific and administrative team are people with disabilities, including Tom Shakespeare himself.

    Tom Shakespeare is director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK, and is part of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus, as a senior researcher. During his visit to Chile, he participated in several meetings with national academics and researchers.

    In addition, he is one of the authors of the World Report on Disability (2011) developed by WHO, has conducted research in the UK and Africa, exploring the social and economic consequences of disability, and is a regular contributor to BBC Radio and The Lancet.

    The masterclass is available on the Núcleo Milenio Disca YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/fEz4QRQ4TS4.