Disability and citizenship

Conversation with Activists: Agendas and struggles of disability in Chile

Lugar: En línea, por Zoom

Fecha: 11/05/2023

Hora: 6:00 pm

Link: https://youtu.be/FvCll9XZgic

The Millennium Nucleus DISCA developed the first Conversation with Activists, called “Agendas and struggles of disability in Chile”, a space to learn about the experiences of prominent people with disabilities.

On this occasion, the discussion had as protagonists:

  • Olga Balboa is president of the Communal Association of and for People with Disabilities of Concepción and leader of the Regional Association “Defense of Disability ‘ del Biobío.
  • Jaime Ramirez is president of the National Collective for Disability (Conadis) and part of the Council of Experts by Experience of the Millennium Nucleus DISCA. He is also a professor at the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Alberto Hurtado and facilitator for Chile of Flacso’s working group on critical disability studies.
  • Jimena Luna is founder and executive director of Fundación Vida Independiente Chile. She holds a degree in industrial civil engineering, mention in computer science, from the Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO) and currently works as project coordinator at CEDETI UC and CIAPAT Chile.
  • César Rodríguez is president of the Vitachi Foundation, national advisor of Senadis and treasurer of the National Federation of Organizations of and for Disability (Fedich). He is also a prominent disability activist, nominated four times for the National Human Rights Award given by the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH) and was general coordinator of the 2019 International Day of Persons with Disabilities march.

The discussion was moderated by Juan Pino, principal investigator of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus and academic at the Universidad de O’Higgins.

The activity was held on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., through Zoom and is available at https://youtu.be/FvCll9XZgic.

A sign language interpreter and simultaneous subtitling are available.