Leave a CommentRAÚL BLADIMIR LEVEQUE CARRASCO (23 years old) ⚡Osorno, 1973 ⚡Student with physical disability. Communist militant.
At 10:00 a.m. a patrol car arrived at the Leveque Carrasco family home where eight Carabineros descended. Without a warrant they raided the home and violently detained the brothers Rodolfo and Raul Leveque. They were taken to the street at the point of machine guns and shoved, and then taken to the 3rd Police Station in Rahue from where, according to witnesses, they were taken that same day. Their father, the next day, opted to go to the police station to be arrested to see his sons, but they had already been taken out of the barracks. To date, the whereabouts of the Leveque Carrasco brothers are unknown. According to later reports, it is recorded that the brothers belonged to the Mapuche Nation.
#Dictatorship #Dictatorship #StateCoup #DetaineeDisappeared #Osorno #RaulBladimirLevequeCarrasco