Disability and citizenship


Gráfica y fotografía en blanco y negro de HUGO ENRIQUE ALFARO CASTRO. Un hombre con traje y lentes de sol.

HUGO ENRIQUE ALFARO CASTRO (43 years old) ⚡️Tocopilla, 1975⚡️ Teacher, mining engineer and blind person. Socialist.

On January 27, 1975, while on vacation in Tocopilla, his house was surrounded by carabineros and he was arrested along with other people. They were accused of holding a clandestine meeting to conspire against the Government. Officially it was reported that Hugo had hanged himself inside one of the police station cells. However, a witness declared that he saw, while he was being detained, two people dragging him and heard one of them ask what they were doing now, to which the other replied that they had to “just change his diagnosis”.

The physical analysis carried out in the hospital to which he was sent later confirmed to the family that he had clear signs of torture, including the application of electricity. For this reason, it has been concluded that he died as a result of the torture received by Carabineros agents.

In the commune of Pudahuel, the Hugo Alfaro Recording and Integration Center for the Blind was created in his memory.

#Disability #Dictatorship #StateCoup #Tocopilla #HugoAlfaroCastro #ExecutedPolitician