Disability and citizenship

Author Archives: Comunicaciones Núcleo DISCA

  1. DISCA Nucleus held seminar on the representation of disability in science and policy

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    Imagen grupal de los expositores y asistentes del Seminario. Hay personas de pie y otros agachados sonriendo a cámara y haciendo gestos o saludos a la cámara. 

    • Con amplia asistencia de público e investigadores con y sin discapacidad, el pasado 12 de octubre, se celebró el Seminario “La Representación de la discapacidad en la política y la investigación” en Valdivia.
    • La jornada contó con la exposición de investigaciones individuales y la realización de dos paneles temáticos, uno enfocado en la representación Disca en ciencia y otro en la política.

    Con la exposición de 33 investigadores y amplia asistencia de público, Núcleo Milenio DISCA realizó el Seminario “La Representación de la discapacidad en la política y la investigación” en el Campus Isla Teja de la Universidad Austral de Chile, abriendo un espacio para el diálogo, discusión y sensibilización sobre la discapacidad en el país.

    Uno de los temas centrales que se abordaron fue la participación de personas con discapacidad en investigaciones científicas, así como su actividad de investigadores. “Fue un espacio de encuentro para muchos investigadores e investigadoras en discapacidad de Chile y Latinoamérica. Fue muy interesante escuchar los avances en estudios que abordan distintos ámbitos de la discapacidad realizados tanto por investigadores con gran trayectoria, como por estudiantes recién comenzando su carrera académica (…) Realizar un seminario accesible es un desafío y creo que hemos estado a la altura”, señala Florencia Herrera, Directora de Núcleo Milenio DISCA.

    Relevar la necesidad de cambiar la narrativa en torno a la discapacidad y comenzar a verla como parte de la diversidad que aporta riqueza a nuestra sociedad, han sido de las principales ideas que se mencionaron durante la jornada. Los expositores también se han detenido en los testimonios sobre las barreras y desafíos que viven las personas con discapacidad en varios ámbitos, especialmente en la política y en la ciencia.Entender dónde están y cómo funcionan estas barreras se torna imprescindible para poder desarrollar políticas que ayuden a superarlas y así las personas con discapacidad puedan participar plenamente en la sociedad.

    Urgencia de la cual DISCA hace eco, volviéndose una plataforma de investigación, divulgación y sensibilización que permite sentar las bases para la transformación social. Además “(…) estos seminarios sirven como un recordatorio de que la articulación entre academia, las organizaciones y el activismo de las personas con discapacidad tiene un rol que desempeñar en la construcción de un futuro más inclusivo”apunta el Director Alterno de DISCA, Pablo Marshall.

    Plano abierto con tres bloques de filas donde se encuentran sentados los asistentes del Seminario.

    Foto grupal del equipo ampliado de Núcleo Milenio Disca presente en Valdivia.

    Mira más fotografías del Seminario, aquí.

  2. Seminar “The Representation of disability in policy and research”.

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    Flyer de difusión de Seminario presencial “La representación de la discapacidad en la política y la investigación”. Vemos una gráfica cuadrada, dividida en cuatro cuadrados más pequeños en diferentes tonalidades verdes. En su inferior izquierdo vemos una imagen con efecto de dibujo a colores de una persona en silla de ruedas depositando su voto en la urna. Vemos también los logos de Centros ANID, de la Universidad Austral de Chile y de Núcleo DISCA. A un costado derecho vemos un cuadrado en color fucsia donde leemos: Jueves 12 de octubre, 9:00 a 18:00 hrs. Abajo continúa: Sala de Plenarios de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales (segundo piso). Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia, Chile. Modalidad presencial. Contaremos con intérprete de lengua de señas. Inscripción gratuita con cupos limitados.

    We will address the issue of disability representation in policy and research. There will also be presentations of research on disability in various topics.

    The event will take place on October 12, 2023 at the Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia, Chile, in face-to-face mode.

    Disability representation is a vital tool for introducing, addressing and challenging ideas about disability. We recognize that, despite its potential to inform and change perceptions, representation can also reinforce inequalities and perpetuate existing stereotypes. For this reason, an in-depth scholarly analysis of how people with disabilities and disability as a phenomenon are and can be represented is crucial.

    We will seek to generate a rigorous and diverse academic dialogue about disability in general and the issue of disability representation in policy and academic research. In addition, we seek to generate a meeting space for people who do research on disability.

    The seminar will have two parts: during the morning, it will be an open space where research on disability from different disciplines will be presented. During the afternoon, the particular topic of disability representation will be addressed through two discussion tables, one on political representation and the other on representation in research.

    The seminar will be held at the Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia, Chile, on October 12, 2023 from 9:00 to 18:00 hrs. The Seminar will be interpreted in Chilean Sign Language (LSCh) and for attendance, prior registration is required at this link.


    09:00 to 09:30 Welcome

    09:30 to 11:00 Present your research in 10 minutes

    Room 1 and 2 simultaneous

    09:30 to 11:00 Present your research in 10 minutes (Room 2)

    • Nelson Muñoz, University of Chile. Therapeutic itineraries of the rehabilitation process of children with disabilities and their families users of the Western Metropolitan Health Service of Santiago.
    • Pamela Gutiérrez, University of Chile. Inclusion of people with disabilities and the concept of human rights in Chilean health policies.
    • Pía Rodríguez-Garrido, University of O’Higgins. Obstetric and gynecological violence and its impact on the mental health of Chilean women with disabilities.
    • Andrea Tereucán, Universidad de los Lagos. Experiences of health and care in childhood and adolescence of the Autism Spectrum in Osorno, a territorial view (1990-2023).
    • Karina Pinto, University of Chile. Political Affections, Illness and Disability: Problematizing the biomedical model of rehabilitation from a feminist anti-empowerment perspective.
    • Soledad Toro and Wanda Espejo, Una ruta sin Barreras. The right to recreational sports and tourism: personal assistance as a human right. 

    Space for questions

    09:30 to 11:00 Present your research in 10 minutes (Room 1)

    • Esteban Burgos, University of Concepción. The challenge of political inclusion in Chile: Barriers and Facilitators that affect the Electoral Participation of People with Disabilities.
    • María Paz Santos Ricartes. Economic growth of people with disabilities.
    • Daniella Leal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. People with Disabilities and their Participation in the Labor Market: Evidence from ENDIDE 2022.
    • Andrea Montecinos, Juan González and Constanza Corvalán. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. The new legal status in relation to the entry to school of children with disabilities.
    • Bárbara Suazo, University of Chile. The political from the common in organizations of the disability field: The case of Colectivo Autismo Chile between 2011 and 2019.
    • Francisca Higuera, Shirlia Jara, Ana Lizama, Daniela Sepúlveda and Ninosca Bravo. Catholic University of Temuco. Dissonances of inclusion with Francisca Our companion and friend.

    Space for questions

    11:00 to 11:30 Coffee break

    11:30 to 13:00 Present your research in 10 minutes

    • Daniela Jaure, AVANZA Inclusion. Intellectual disability, social inclusion and quality of life. A look from those who are protagonists.
    • Ninosca Bravo, Catholic University of Temuco. Social representations of special education pedagogy students about intellectual disability and developmental disabilities.
    • Edison Calahorrano, Central University. The relational approach as a methodology for the representation of people with disabilities in scientific research.
    • Mauricio López, DISCA Nucleus. The power of Experts by Experience: Co-creation of knowledge in disability research.
    • Constanza López, University of Valparaíso. Care as a possible foundation for the production of knowledge: an approach from feminist disability studies.
    • Jame Rebolledo, University of Chile. Research with disability activists from Feminist Epistemologies.

    Space for questions

    13:00 to 14:00 Lunch (included in the Seminar)

    14:00 – 15:30 Panel 1: Political Representation of Disabilities

    • Diana Vallejo, U. Iberoamericana Mexico City. The disca as a symbol of the transvaluation of the disabled.
    • Diego Solsona, U. de los Lagos. Manufactured by the State, intervened from the biopower: the case of people with disabilities in Chile.
    • Jaime Ramírez, U. of Chile. Analyzing the development of social mobilization of people with disabilities in Chile 15 years after the convention.
    • Florencia Herrera, U. Diego Portales. ‘Look at me!’: Public and digital political campaigns of people with disabilities in the socio-political crisis in Chile.

    15:30 to 15:45 Coffee break

    15:45 to 17:15 Panel 2: Representation of Disability in Scientific Research

    • Luis Vera, U. of Chile. Paola Arroyo, U. Alberto Hurtado. José Reyes, U. Academia de Humanismo Cristiano: “Disabled” teaching experiences. Reflections situated from the bodies.
    • Vanessa Vega and Félix González-Carrasco, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Izaskun Álvarez, U. de las Américas. Inclusive research as an engine for the transformation of practices in intellectual disability.
    • Valquiria Ramos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Decision-making processes in academic journals on disability.
    • Carlos Araneda-Urrutia, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Where are and how do academics with disabilities inhabit the university: Contributions for a methodological discussion about the affective infrastructures of academic capacitism.
  3. Disability and Dictatorship

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    Historically, bodies with disabilities have been made invisible. This is how today, 50 years after the coup d’état, we do not know how many people with disabilities were victims of human rights violations or political violence during the dictatorship in Chile perpetrated by state agents, often with the collaboration of civilians.

    In this commemoration and to begin to reconstruct this history, as Núcleo DISCA we undertook the mission to collect information that allows us to recognize the place of people with disabilities in this period of the country’s history.

    As a first step we have consulted the reports of the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Rettig Report), the reports of the National Commission on Political Prisoners and Torture (Valech I and II) and the interactives archives of the Museum of Memory and Human Rights. How many people with disabilities were victims of political violence? How many of them died at the hands of State agents? How many of them were victims of forced disappearance and are still missing? What are their stories? Is there any record of survivors of torture, exiles and/or returnees who live with disabilities today? But finally, it has also been necessary to ask ourselves why even today these questions become original and the minimum data is not systematized?

    In our research, we have found 22 people. We identified their names, the court sentences in their cases, the records of other memory spaces (Museo de la Memoria, Londres 38, Memoria Viva, AFDD, AFEP, among others), as well as their records in the press and social networks, which allowed us – at least partially – to reconstruct their lives and also their outcome. It is urgent to make visible and remember their names, their stories and their faces; it is urgent, because without them, our democracy is incomplete: not all of us are here, not all of us are here.

    We are aware that many persons with disabilities may not have been identified in this review, mainly because the available information does not mention their disability. However, this is a first moment, for the reconstruction of a political, social and cultural memory of persons with disabilities in Chile. A memory that has even lost the proper name of the victims, as in the case of “Pepito“, a political executed person from Valdivia of whom we only know his alias. Pepito was a deaf and intellectually disabled person who was shot by a military patrol in the Preciosa Sangre Parish.

    Like this one, there are also cases -not yet recorded- of survivors with disabilities acquired as a result of the torture to which they were subjected, whose identity and dignity were taken away, through the practice of blinding, deafening and immobilizing their bodies.

    Núcleo Milenio DISCA undertakes this investigation and joins the demands for truth, justice and reparation for the survivors and families of the tortured, executed and disappeared, identifying and recognizing 22 citizens who today are missing from our democracy.

    Núcleo Milenio DISCA, September 11, 2023

    Detainees Disappeared with Disabilities


    Political Executees with Disabilities

    1. PEPITO

    Editor’s note: Over the next few days we will be indexing the files of each of the persons with disabilities mentioned above. As well as making them visible in our Social Networks.

  4. Núcleo DISCA is looking for a Student in Practice

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    In the Millennium Nucleus DISCA we are looking for a student in practice in the area of Communications for the position of Student in Practice of Communications, who must have an interest in disability and inclusion issues and stand out for their creativity and autonomy in the work.

    Its main task will be to collaborate with the Communications Coordination to position the Nucleus as a reference in the national discussion related to disability and citizenship, producing and disseminating content on the knowledge generated to other areas of society.

    In addition, he/she will have to support in media management, produce activities, keep records of the Nucleus’ actions, among other actions related to his/her work.

    Those interested in applying must meet the following requirements:

    • University student in the area of Communications.
    • Experience in editing, production and creation of audiovisual material.
    • Good writing and spelling skills.
    • Proactivity, creativity and autonomy at work.
    • Ability to work in multidisciplinary and diverse teams.

    To apply, the following documents must be submitted:

    • Link to portfolio with your audiovisual material (video / photography).
    • Letter of presentation and motivation where you express why you are interested.

    The deadline for applications is Friday, September 29, 2023 and must be sent via email to comunicaciones@nucleodisca.cl.

    Selected individuals will be invited to an online interview at the end of September.

  5. Online seminar: “Disability and daily mobility”.

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    Descripción de Imagen: Afiche con los logos institucionales de Disca y de #CentrosAnid e iniciativa Milenio, sobre los títulos se lee: “Discapacidad y movilidad cotidiana”, “Ciclo de Seminarios en Línea”, además de los rostros de los tres expositores junto a sus nombres y cargos. Al centro un recuadro con las indicaciones del evento: Jueves 31 de agosto, 19:00 hrs.

    • The seminar will address the ways in which disability is understood by our transportation and planning systems.
    • Three researchers will examine the adaptations and efforts that people with disabilities make on a daily basis to move around urban and rural areas, as well as the injustices that persist in national mobility infrastructures and policies.

    In response to the question “What costs do people with disabilities assume when moving around the territory?”, the DISCA Millennium Nucleus has invited three researchers to investigate experiences, organizations, policies and research on the daily mobility of people with disabilities.

    We will be joined by Mariela Gaete Reyes, an academic from the Housing Institute of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Chile. She is dedicated to research on accessibility and disability and to teaching in the Architecture program, in the Master in Residential Habitat and in the Doctorate in Territory, Space and Society, a program in which she is part of the academic committee.

    The sociologist Diego Solsona, Master in Social Research and Development from the Universidad de Concepción and Doctor of Social Sciences in Territorial Studies from the Universidad de los Lagos, will also present. He works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Anillos project “Territorial Inequalities”. He is also a collaborating professor in the anthropology program at the Universidad de Los Lagos. His main lines of research are: spatial mobilities, citizen participation and social imaginaries in people with disabilities.

    In addition, DISCA researcher Daniel Muñoz, PhD in Human Geography (University of Edinburgh), Master in Urban Development (PUC) will present his work. He is a postdoctoral researcher at the Housing Institute of the University of Chile. His research focuses on everyday mobility practices of people with disabilities, with attention to care and interdependence. Methodologically, Daniel specializes in ethnography and ethnomethodological video analysis.

    If you would like to attend, register at this link. 

  6. Webinar: Parents and Parenting with Disabilities, Perspectives from Chile

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    On June 28, Brandeis University held the webinar “Parents and Parenting with Disabilities: Perspectives from Chile” with three Chilean researchers, including Florencia Herrera, Director of DISCA and PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Barcelona.

    Jimena Luna, Industrial Civil Engineer and Project Coordinator at CEDETi UC, and Soledad Véliz, Doctorate in Education from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and researcher at CEDETi UC, participated in the dialogue.

    To learn more about their perspectives on parenting and raising children with disabilities in Chile, as well as their experiences and research, you can review their webinar here.

  7. DISCA Nucleus call for papers on “The representation of disability”

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    The DISCA Millennium Nucleus is pleased to invite the academic community to submit their proposals for presentations for our next seminar entitled “The Representation of Disability in Policy and Research”. The event will take place on October 12, 2023 at the Universidad Austral de Chile, Campus Isla Teja, Valdivia, Chile, in face-to-face mode.

    We seek to generate an academic, rigorous and diverse dialogue about disability in general and the issue of disability representation in policy and academic research. In addition, we seek to generate a meeting space for people who research on disability.

    The seminar will have two parts: the first will address the particular issue of disability representation in policy and research. The second part will be open to the presentation of research on disability in various topics related to the work of Núcleo DISCA.

    Check the complete rules by clicking on this link.

  8. Núcleo DISCA starts course “Introduction to Disability Studies”

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    This Tuesday, August 8, we started the first undergraduate course that the Disca Millennium Nucleus together with the School of Sociology UDP is carrying out at the capital city of the Diego Portales University. 

    The course called “Introduction to Disability Studies” is led by the Director of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus, Florencia Herrera, along with a wide range of researchers and experts from the experience of the Nucleus. 

    In this opportunity we were accompanied by researcher Jaime Ramirez with a presentation on “What do we talk about when we talk about disability”. We had the attendance of 65 people, of which 35 were students and 30 were external listeners. Likewise, we recognized more than 30 people with disabilities -both in the classroom and telematic modality- which is why we are very happy for the wide reception and interest that this course has awakened in the community.