Disability and citizenship

Núcleo DISCA starts course “Introduction to Disability Studies”

This Tuesday, August 8, we started the first undergraduate course that the Disca Millennium Nucleus together with the School of Sociology UDP is carrying out at the capital city of the Diego Portales University. 

The course called “Introduction to Disability Studies” is led by the Director of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus, Florencia Herrera, along with a wide range of researchers and experts from the experience of the Nucleus. 

In this opportunity we were accompanied by researcher Jaime Ramirez with a presentation on “What do we talk about when we talk about disability”. We had the attendance of 65 people, of which 35 were students and 30 were external listeners. Likewise, we recognized more than 30 people with disabilities -both in the classroom and telematic modality- which is why we are very happy for the wide reception and interest that this course has awakened in the community.