Disability and citizenship

Online Seminar Series: Challenges in Access to Health Care for People with Disabilities

Lugar: Virtual

Fecha: 29/06/2023

Hora: 6:00 pm

Link: https://youtu.be/CpX-T4lzids

The Millennium Nucleus DISCA held its third online seminar, which this time addressed the existing challenges in access to health for people with disabilities.

To this end, it was attended by:

  • María Pía Venturiello, sociologist and researcher at CONICET and the Gino Germani Research Institute, both institutions in Argentina. Specialist in the area of social studies on disability.
  • Arturo Grau Diez, ophthalmologist, associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Director of OcuLab UC, laboratory of social innovation in visual impairment.
  • Gerardo Hume Calderón, occupational therapist, professor at Universidad San Sebastián. Expert in inclusive local development and public projects aimed at the social inclusion of people with disabilities.

The seminar was moderated by Elena Rotarou, principal investigator of the DISCA Millennium Nucleus and academic at Universidad San Sebastián.

The seminar was held on Thursday, June 29, 2023, at 18:00 hours (Santiago de Chile time, GMT-4), through Zoom and is available on the Nucleus’ YouTube channel, at https://youtu.be/CpX-T4lzids. 

The video features a sign language interpreter and instant subtitling.

We also share additional material mentioned during the seminar:

  • Book by Pía Venturiello, “El acceso a la salud de la población con discapacidad en Argentina: demandas, barreras y derechos”, available in: www.teseopress.com/accesoalasaluddelapoblacioncondiscapacidadenargentina/
  • Health care manual for people who are deaf or have hearing loss, available at: https://uchile.cl/dam/jcr:6c58a623-2a57-4762-8ef5-ec34c5f81857/manualatencion-personas-sordas-en-salud
  • Health care manual for people who are deaf or have hearing loss, available at: https://uchile.cl/dam/jcr:eb3780a8-f934-4253-aa2f-c86ed750581e/fichasmanual