Disability and citizenship

Experts by Experience Council

Mauricio “Cutto” López

Mauricio is an audiovisual director from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Master in Film Screenwriting from the Universidad Finis Terrae and is currently studying for three diplomas: Digital Leadership Diploma in Social Inclusion and Access to Rights from the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Diploma in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods (respectively) for Social Research at the Universidad Diego Portales.

He works as a scriptwriter for several successful film and television projects, both in Chile and abroad. He has worked for Netflix, HBO, Telemundo, Televisa, Mega and others. Also, he directed and wrote a film La Visita and the short film La Santa, with several awards in festivals, film shows and academic instances.

Since he was identified as an autistic person with high abilities, he began to dedicate himself to activism in autism and disability, which led him to approach the area of research as an expert with experience in various academic research projects.