Disability and citizenship

Principal Researchers

Juan Andrés Pino Morán

Juan Andrés Pino Morán

Principal Researcher

Juan Pino is an Occupational Therapist (Universidad de Playa Ancha, 2008), holds a Master’s degree in Community Psychology (Universidad de Chile, 2014), and later completed his Doctoral training in Sociology (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2020). He works as a researcher at the Institute of Health Sciences at the State Universidad de O’Higgins in Chile. His teaching focuses on qualitative research methodology and critical occupational therapy disciplinary foundations.

He is currently conducting a FONDECYT Postdoctoral research project for 2022-2024 (ANID) on socio-community care for people with disabilities and collaborates with the critical disability studies group of CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) and the social and gender studies group on corporeality, subjectivity, and avoidable suffering at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

His research lines include critical disability studies, Latin American occupational therapy studies, feminist epistemologies and ethics of care.